Cape Town Bay to Bay

Thursday, January 8

This past Sunday I ran in a race! I love running and this was the first race I have done in a couple of years and my first ever 15km. I was a bit nervous as I really hadn't trained at all and had been feeling sick with a sore throat the week before but thankfully I felt nice and healthy so I just decided to go for it. The first 5km were a gradual uphill which then turned into the most beautiful cloudy cool downhill you could imagine. It was the most beautiful run I have ever done and I couldn't help taking pictures along the way with my phone. Hence these photos for the blog. We brought our phones so we could find each other easily in the midst of the thousands of people at the end and I am glad I had it. There should be a market for racing and photography, a marriage of art and running. I was that runner pushing it up the hill and randomly taking photos along the way without breaking a stride. I loved it!  

I had no idea what goal to set for myself but they said the first 3500 runners got medals so I made that my goal and secretly hoping to come in with a time around 1hr10 but that was only a guess. Thankfully I got both and actually finished 93rd over all out of I think at least 2000 more likely 3000 people some of which ran 30km and finished with the 15km. I am hoping in a few weeks I can find the results officially online and the number of people who actually ran. Yay 93rd! 

So this run marked the beginning of lots of races in Cape Town I hope. There are so many here that you could probably run a big one a month. There is a half soon I think we will all run so I am looking forward to that. Anyway this is the link to the race if you are interested: Race Link.

Happy running!

1 comment

  1. Way to go! Amazing photos too.. not a bad running view!


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