I wrote a blog a last week about how God was speaking to me in flowers and about why I often use the name Imbali. You can read it here. As I was reading I noticed I was getting sidetracked with a simple revelation. I wrote about this season of learning and said, “It’s been like being in Swaziland but the roots grew deeper into the soil this time.” I just sat there for a second and smiled. Roots encourage me. Often I find it hard to know what God is doing in my life. I know I am changing and growing and can feel it in my spirit but I can’t yet see the change on the surface. It feels shallow but I know it isn’t and that deep things are happening within me. God just said when I feel like that He is growing roots. Roots grow seemingly invisible yet a flower cannot exist without them. They are of utmost importance. I can’t walk in the identity I feel called to if I don’t have the roots it requires. I will only grow so tall and so strong and then stop and wither. I don’t want to wither I want to be an oak of righteousness. Don’t you?
So heres to letting God plant seeds in us so He can make the roots grow deep deep deep in Him.
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