I realized I should post a blog explaining why I call this space Jillian Imbali and why I hold this name so close.
It goes back to 2009 in January when I went on an outreach team to Swaziland. Imbali is Siswati for flower. When you arrive people always ask if you have a Swazi name and if not they give you one so our first afternoon there three young girls, who I ended up getting incredibly close to, decided to name me Imbali. It suited so it stuck. I have been back to Swaziland twice in the past five years and my friends there still call me Imbali. I respond to it like I respond to Jillian. I have seen different spellings and sometimes think it is suppose to be Mbali but I like it with the “I” and that’s how the girls spelled it when they named me so I keep it.
Really there are probably many North American missionaries named Imbali so it’s not that I feel special because I have a Swazi name but I treasure it because that span of time was so full of growth. It was life changing. I stepped into Swaziland as one person and out as someone completely different. Imbali was like a new name for me, for a new season, one of walking in my identity as a daughter of God. It represents change for me and reminds me of who I am in Christ. I am still Imbali and I am still growing deeper in my identity, step by step.
Throughout the past few weeks flowers have been standing out to me everywhere and I know there are literally flowers everywhere but they were standing out extra bold, extra beautiful. I have a note in my journal from class that says, “I think God is trying to speak to me in flowers but I don’t know what he is saying.” Finally on my run the other day I got to ask Him about it. “God why so many flowers? I love them but I still don’t understand why?” And in that strong whisper that only God can speak He said, “Imbali, Imbali, I am doing it again.” Imbali is Siswati for flower. He was talking about my identity. The past six weeks of LBSC have been so intense and full and I have learned so much more about my identity as a daughter of God and the amazing inheritance that comes with it. It has been like Swaziland was but the roots grew deeper into the soil this time.
So call me Imbali. Call me Jillian. Both are wonderful. Here’s to getting new names and stepping into new depths and new seasons.
“The Shepherd laughed too. “I love doing preposterous things,” he replied. “Why, I don’t know anything more exhilarating and delightful than turning weakness into strength, and fear into faith, and that which has been marred into perfection. If there is one thing more than mother which I should enjoy doing at this moment it is turning a jellyfish into a mountain goat. That is my special work,” he added with the light of a great joy in his face. “Transforming things..." - Hannah Gurnard, Hinds Feet on High Places.
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